Dragon Force 65 B Rig Sails

Price: $99.00
"B" Rig for the Dragon Force 65

This is a B rig sail for the Dragon Force 65... made of 2.3 oz Coated Dacron Sailcloth.  

Windjammin Sails Dragon Force Sails Include

Reinforced starburst corners which distribute the stretch and load better yielding a smoother longer lasting sail
 The stock sails that come with a Soling do not have any reinforcements in the corners. This can cause wrinkles to form out of the corners of the sail, especially the clew due to the cloth stretching and not being pulled evenly over a big enough area. Windjammin Sails layers reinforcements in a starburst fashion on the backside of the sail, so you get optimum performance and like out of your sail.

Battens which help hold the leech and keeps the sail area outside the pull line supported
Adding battens helps support the sail yielding a better, smoother sail.

Tell Tales in Florescent Green and Yellow, 2 pair on the jib, 1 pair on the main and 2 on main leech
Telltales can help greatly in the set-up and tuning of your boat, not to mention can really help with on the water wind direction too.

RG65 Class Symbol and your sail numbers are included on the main and jib.
As indicated by the class rules. Last 2 digits of the Main and Jib Numbers included.